Uploaded by Mary Flaniken.
Pre-K and Kindergarten
Mrs. Teresa reads Big Brave Brian, a book by M. P. Robertson. Enjoy the colorful illustrations, rhyme, and alliteration. Discover what does make Brian afraid!
Draw a picture of something that scares you and write or tell about what you draw.
Take a sock that lost its mate. Draw, glue or sew eyes on the toe area, draw a tongue, use rubber bands or string to tie ears on the heel area. Put your hand in the sock, heel side up, push the toe area in toward your fingers and you will have created its mouth. Now write a puppet show and show off your new character! Remember a show is like a story, the elements of the story are characters, setting, problem or plot and solution.
Uploaded Apr 22, 2020Join me as a read a wonderful STEM picture book: Rosie Revere, Engineer!
Uploaded Apr 15, 2020